Tuesday, October 19, 2010

VA Day

today was a great one for the VA. My first patient we got done with 2 quads on a 3 because he had to leave early. But I was ok with it. Then after him Connie asked if I wanted to do one quad on a class 3 she had for root debridement. We got that done as well so it turned out good. Then I got a class 2 after lunch and finished him but with those 3 patients I got to do 4 injections plus x rays, and lots of pe's done. So that was pretty exciting.

1 comment:

  1. Wow sounds like a very productive day at the VA. I wish Connie would pon some class 3's off to me. She doesn't seem to want to give up her patients when I am at the VA, even if one of ours doesn't show up.
